How can I force PHP to use strings for array keys?

Use an object instead of an array $object = (object)$array;

You can append the null character "\0" to the end of the array key. This makes it so PHP can't interpret the string as an integer. All of the array functions (like array_merge()) work on it. Also not even var_dump() will show anything extra after the string of integers.


$numbers1 = array();
$numbers2 = array();
$numbers = array();

$pool1 = array(111, 222, 333, 444);
$pool2 = array(555, 666, 777, 888);

foreach($pool1 as $p1)
    $numbers1[$p1 . "\0"] = $p1;
foreach($pool2 as $p2)
    $numbers2[$p2 . "\0"] = $p2;

$numbers = array_merge($numbers1, $numbers2);


The resulting output will be:

array(8) {
    ["111"] => string(3) "111"
    ["222"] => string(3) "222"
    ["333"] => string(3) "333"
    ["444"] => string(3) "444"
    ["555"] => string(3) "555"
    ["666"] => string(3) "666"
    ["777"] => string(3) "777"
    ["888"] => string(3) "888"

Without the . "\0" part the resulting array would be:

array(8) {
    [0] => string(3) "111"
    [1] => string(3) "222"
    [2] => string(3) "333"
    [3] => string(3) "444"
    [4] => string(3) "555"
    [5] => string(3) "666"
    [6] => string(3) "777"
    [7] => string(3) "888"

Also ksort() will also ignore the null character meaning $numbers[111] and $numbers["111\0"] will both have the same weight in the sorting algorithm.

The only downside to this method is that to access, for example $numbers["444"], you would actually have to access it via $numbers["444\0"] and since not even var_dump() will show you there's a null character at the end, there's no clue as to why you get "Undefined offset". So only use this hack if iterating via a foreach() or whoever ends up maintaining your code will hate you.


Strings containing valid integers will be cast to the integer type. E.g. the key "8" will actually be stored under 8. On the other hand "08" will not be cast, as it isn't a valid decimal integer.


ACTUALLY YOU CAN!! Cast sequential array to associative array

$obj = new stdClass;
foreach($array as $key => $value){
    $obj->{$key} = $value;
$array = (array) $obj;

In most cases, the following quote is true:

Strings containing valid integers will be cast to the integer type. E.g. the key "8" will actually be stored under 8. On the other hand "08" will not be cast, as it isn't a valid decimal integer.

This examples from the PHP Docs

    $array = array(
        1    => "a",
        "1"  => "b",
        1.5  => "c",
        true => "d",

The above example will output:

array(1) {
  [1]=> string(1) "d"

So even if you were to create an array with numbered keys they would just get casted back to integers.

Unfortunately for me I was not aware of this until recently but I thought I would share my failed attempts.

Failed attempts

$arr = array_​change_​key_​case($arr); // worth a try. 

Returns an array with all keys from array lowercased or uppercased. Numbered indices are left as is.

My next attempts was to create a new array by array_combineing the old values the new (string)keys.

I tried several ways of making the $keys array contain numeric values of type string.

range("A", "Z" ) works for the alphabet so I though I would try it with a numeric string.

$keys = range("0", (string) count($arr) ); // integers

This resulted in an array full of keys but were all of int type.

Here's a couple of successful attempts of creating an array with the values of type string.

$keys = explode(',', implode(",", array_keys($arr))); // values strings

$keys = array_map('strval', array_keys($arr)); // values strings

Now just to combine the two.

$arr = array_combine( $keys, $arr); 

This is when I discovered numeric strings are casted to integers.

$arr = array_combine( $keys, $arr); // int strings
//assert($arr === array_values($arr)) // true. 

The only way to change the keys to strings and maintain their literal values would be to prefix the key with a suffix it with a decimal point "00","01","02" or "0.","1.","2.".

You can achieve this like so.

$keys = explode(',', implode(".,", array_keys($arr)) . '.'); // added decimal point 
$arr = array_combine($keys, $arr);

Of course this is less than ideal as you will need to target array elements like this.


I've created a little function which will target the correct array element even if you only enter the integer and not the new string.

function array_value($array, $key){

    if(array_key_exists($key, $array)){
        return $array[ $key ];
    if(is_numeric($key) && array_key_exists('.' . $key, $array)){
        return $array[ '.' . $key ];
    return null;


echo array_value($array, "208"); // "abc"


ACTUALLY YOU CAN!! Cast sequential array to associative array

All that for nothing


