How can I force only relative paths in "find" output?

You can use the %P format in the -printf directive:

find ${rootDir} -name '*.doc' -printf "%P\n"

will display in your example:


You may then use this find list in a for expression, in order to run our exec command, as in:

for f in $( find ${rootDir} -name '*.doc' -printf "%P\n" );
    tar rvf docs.tar ${f}

If you run find from the desired root directory and don't specify an absolute starting point in find's options, it will output relative paths to the tar command invocations it constructs. Like so:

cd $rootDir
find . -name '*doc' -exec tar rvf docs.tar {} \;

If you do not want to change the current working directory permanently and are using bash or similar as your shell you could do

pushd $rootDir
find . -name '*doc' -exec tar rvf docs.tar {} \;


Note that pushd/popd are not present in all shells, so check the man page as appropriate. They are present in bash but not in the base sh implementation so while explicitly using /bin/bash you can rely on them you can't if a script asks for /bin/sh instead (as this may map to a smaller shell that doesn't have bash's enhancements)