How can I fix jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid when using the Link component in React?

As per they suggest in the

you can do the following: call the link component with tag inside of it, as per in nextjs docs. then, you can simply use the passHref prop in the Link component, and add a dummy href attribute in the tag

Something like this:

<Link to={`/person/${}`} passHref> <a href="replace">Person Link</a></Link>

It should do the trick :) The eslint ignore rules suggested above didn't work for me, btw, but this solution did, and it's one of the recommended ones in the docs about the rule.

The Link component generates href attribute so in the end anchor tag is valid from the accessibility point of view. Add an exception to .eslintrc:

  "rules": {
    "jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid": [ "error", {
      "components": [ "Link" ],
      "specialLink": [ "to" ]

Additionally, there is the same issue with a answer on GitHub.