How can I fix ESLint Parsing Error for unexpected token "/"?

I encountered the same issue today while setting up a new React project. The fix that worked for me was installing the babel-eslint package (npm install babel-eslint --save-dev or yarn add babel-eslint -D). I then added "parser": "babel-eslint" to my .eslintrc config file. This seems to help babel and ESLint get along a little better than using the default parser.

I received a similar error in Visual Studio 2017 (not Code).

The error "ESLint encountered a parsing error" occurred at the beginning of an import statement.

janniks' solution did not work for me. I suspect because "es6: true "enable[s] all ECMAScript 6 features except for modules".

Since I'm using TypeScript, I don't want to use babel-eslint, per Sean's answer (though it did resolve the parsing error in a plain JS file).

The key trade-off can be summarized as: babel-eslint supports additional syntax which TypeScript itself does not, but typescript-eslint supports creating rules based on type information, which is not available to babel because there is no type-checker.

Instead, I continued to use "@typescript-eslint/parser". Below is my minimal working .eslintrc:

    "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
    "parserOptions": {
        "sourceType": "module"
    "rules": {
        "quotes": [ "error", "single" ]

Note: The error was resolved in plain JS files (not TS) even if I removed the "parser" line, therefore using the default eslint parser.