How can I execute commands in git-bash in Windows which are located in a folder with spaces ie "Program Files"?

Just put the command to execute between double quotes, like so

"C:\Program Files\whatever\aCmd.exe"

To reach the directory which has the spaces in it's path you just need to wrap the whole path with quotes. It should look like this:

cd "/c/Some Folder/Some Other Folder/"

Where there are special characters in a file name (spaces, $, parenthesis...) you need to place a backslash ahead of the character so that it reads it as is.

For example, if you want to run the program notepad++.exe straight from Bash and need to direct the path to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\

Then you would code the path in your bash.rc file as follows:

export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Notepad++:<path2>:<path3>:...<pathn>:

Note the backslashes leading the spaces and parentheses.

You can even add an additional line on the next line of your bash.rc file:

alias npp=notepad++

which will create a shortcut, allowing you to type npp straight into Bash, instead of having to type out the full program name notepad++ every time.

I'm a total noob, just started coding 4 days ago, though I found for this problem the best website was the following:

Hope this helps! :D