How can I draw this graph with TikZ or forest?

the problem is indeed the connection between Distance, Kind and Pixel. Since "forest" is really a tree, they cant be connect with forest and we have to use the draw command. Therefore we name some nodes. Decorate as you like.enter image description here



 for descendants={anchor=east, child anchor=east, grow=west},
 grow=west, anchor=north, parent anchor=north
 [Acceleration, rotate=90
 [ [Kind {\tiny (street signs, cars, people)},name=Kind [Pixel, name=Pixel]]
 [Distance, name= Distance]]]
 \draw[->] (Kind) to[out=west,in=east] (Pixel);
 \draw[->] (Distance) to[out=west,in=south east] (Pixel);

It isn't entirely clear what you mean by 'structure'. Normally, for a graph or tree, I'd understand this to mean the way in which the nodes are connected to each other and not the distance and direction of one node relative to another. But it seems you mean the latter as well, although whether this is really it is another matter.

If so, I take it you want something like this:

structural replication

This is not hard to do in forest. It is just a bit fiddly:

  default preamble={
    for tree={
      parent anchor=children,
      child anchor=parent,
      minimum height=4ex
    [{Kind(Street signs, cars, people,...)}, name=kind, tikz+={%
      \draw [\forestoption{edge}] (.parent anchor) -- (shape.child anchor);
    [, phantom
    [Shape, before computing xy={%
      l+/.wrap pgfmath arg={#1}{width(content("kind"))},
    }, name=shape
    [Distance, before drawing tree={%
      x-/.wrap pgfmath arg={#1}{width(content("kind"))-width(content())}
    }, edge path'={%
      (!u.parent anchor) -- (kind.child anchor |- .child anchor) -- (.child anchor)
    }, tikz+={%
      \draw [\forestoption{edge}] (.parent anchor) -- (shape.child anchor);


I have no idea what 'vertical space' you ask in the comments to get rid of. The following code sacrifices structural replication for the sake of what may or may not be the desired appearance.

  default preamble={
    for tree={
      parent anchor=children,
      child anchor=parent,
      minimum height=4ex
    [{Kind(Street signs, cars, people,...)}, name=kind
      [Shape, before computing xy={%
        s/.wrap pgfmath arg={#1}{(-s("!u")+s("!un"))/2},
      }, name=shape
    [Distance, before drawing tree={%
      x-/.wrap pgfmath arg={#1}{width(content("kind"))-width(content())}
    }, edge path'={%
      (!u.parent anchor) -- (kind.child anchor |- .child anchor) -- (.child anchor)
    }, tikz+={%
      \draw [\forestoption{edge}] (.parent anchor) -- (shape.child anchor);

modified fiddling

If in your forest version includes grow=west inside for tree options, the result is:

enter image description here

  default preamble={
    for tree={
      parent anchor=children,
      child anchor=east,
  [Map] [Destination] [Vector] [Location]
  [{Kind(Street signs, cars, people,...)},name=kind]
    [Shape [Line [Pixel]]]]]

Update: Now with shape and kind manually connected

enter image description here

  default preamble={
    for tree={
      parent anchor=children,
      child anchor=east,
  [Map] [Destination] [Vector] [Location]
  [{Kind(Street signs, cars, people,...)},name=kind]
    [Shape, name=shape [Line [Pixel]]]]]
    \draw (shape.north)--++(90:1mm)-|([shift={(5mm,0mm)}]kind.south west);