How can I disable Java garbage collector?

GC only kicks in when JVM is short on memory, so you either GC or die. Try turning on verbose GC and see if it actually takes significant amount of time.

java -verbose:gc

It sounds like you are trying to save time, but going about it the wrong way. The time saved in disabling garbage collection would be trivial (for a single task) compared to the time taken to launch and shutdown the java process. You might want to consider having a java process launch that you can ask multiple times to do the work you require if run-time performance is your goal.

There is no way to disable garbage collection entirely. Garbage collection is only run when the JVM runs out of space, so you could give the program more memory. Add these command line options to the Java command

-Xmx256M -Xms256M

This gives the program 256Mb of ram (the default is 64Mb). Garbage collection will not take 3 seconds for a default size JVM though, so you might want to investigate more closely what the program is doing. Yourkit profiler is very useful for figuring out what is taking a long time.