How can I customize keyboard shortcuts in Thunderbird?

Keyconfig allows you to configure keyboard shortcuts.

Read more about it here.

Update 07/2020: Your best bet for custom keybindings currently seems to be: tbkeys. Follow the instructions there to get keybindings, customizable within a file in your user-home directory (see here for cmd references [PR created to include in README.MD]).

Update 12/2019: As of Thunderbird 68 dorando is currently not supported anymore. A good (deep dive) source of current development can be found in the mozilla forums or directly at the github of the dorando project.


Seems like the original keyconfig from 14 years ago is not compatible anymore with thunderbird 60.0 and up.

dorando-keyconfig is the official new supported version as far as i can tell. Some descriptions seem to be missing, but not a big issue (i.e. "Mark > As Read" is key_toggleRead).

Thanks to dorando and the new maintainers for keeping up the good work .

You can unzip Thunderbird's chrome and edit the .dtd files within them, which usually contain the key bindings, if you want something that's not extension-dependent. Here's an example from a DTD file for my extension:

<!ENTITY removedupes.remove_duplicates_menuitems.remove.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY removedupes.remove_duplicates_menuitems.set_originals.accesskey "o">
<!ENTITY key-removedupes.modifiers "alt,shift">

this is of course much less convenient than using KeyConfig, but that's the low-level non-dynamic way to do it.