How can I create folders in folders in terminal

You may want to put on your {curly} braces for this one

For the sake of this argument we will pretend ./music doesn't exist

In your base directory for ./music we will use the -p command to create sub-directories where needed and the curly braces will be used to create a small array

The command -p is short for parent, if it's easier to remember you may use --parent instead

mkdir -p ./music/{"1. Albums","2. EP","3. Singles","4. Live"}

If you wish to play around with this you may, for example

mkdir -p ./folder/prefix{a{1/only,2,3},b,c}suffix/more{z,y,x}

You have nested expressions, you may insert the braces in to the middle of a string and you can also allow the subdirectory to follow suit, and you can be specific with your sub directories for a particular array

I suggest you make a file somewhere where you can make your own templates with such commands and give them descriptions

Visit this page for more information and

Sure, execute this in the music folder where the artist folders are:

for artist in */; do
   for folder in "1. Albums" "2. EP" "3. Singles" "4. Live"; do
      mkdir "$artist/$folder"

You can execute this on your CLI, or you can make it a shell script by adding #!/bin/sh as the first line and saving it in a file. Don't forget to make the file executable.

As for what it does: it iterates over all directories (*/) within the current directory, then for each of these directories, iterates over the desired subfolder (the second for), and then makes the desired (relative) subfolder.