How can I create flask project using IntelliJ IDEA 12 Ultimate Edition?

To clarify wmora's answer, in IntelliJ IDEA, installing the Python plugin is not 100% the same as having PyCharm, and the distinction is one that Jetbrains seems to have struggled with (e.g. usually documentation refers to the language-specific IDE and not to IDEA, and the menu-items/commands/etc. are not the same).

With IDEA, if the Python plugin is installed, you can create a new project and select "Python" as the language. This may show a few additional libraries and frameworks, e.g. "Django", "Google App Engine (Python)", and "SQL Support" (???), but notably NOT Flask. However, the next screen has the option to "Create project from template", and when checked, you should be able to select the "Flask Project" template.

And THAT's when it fails silently (per Polyakoff's comment). The editor doesn't even open up a window. See the bug: