How can I create an array with key value pairs?

Use the square bracket syntax:

if (!empty($row["title"])) {
    $catList[$row["datasource_id"]] = $row["title"];

$row["datasource_id"] is the key for where the value of $row["title"] is stored in.

My PHP is a little rusty, but I believe you're looking for indexed assignment. Simply use:

$catList[$row["datasource_id"]] = $row["title"];

In PHP arrays are actually maps, where the keys can be either integers or strings. Check out PHP: Arrays - Manual for more information.

$data =array();
$data['user_code']  = 'JOY' ;
$data['user_name']  = 'JOY' ;
$data['user_email'] = '[email protected]';

You can create the single value array key-value as

$new_row = array($row["datasource_id"]=>$row["title"]);

inside while loop, and then use array_merge function in loop to combine the each new $new_row array.


