How can I copy unmanaged data in C# and how fast is it?

You can use the win32 memcpy function via P-Invoke.

[DllImport("msvcrt.dll",  SetLastError = false)]
static extern IntPtr memcpy(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, int count);

Apart from the (slight) overhead calling a win32 function from managed code, the actual copy performance should be the same as C/C++ code that uses the same function.

Don't forget that you can also use an unsafe block (and compiler option) and simply copy the data one byte/int/long at a time:

    // srcPtr and destPtr are IntPtr's pointing to valid memory locations
    // size is the number of long (normally 4 bytes) to copy
    long* src = (long*)srcPtr;
    long* dest = (long*)destPtr;
    for (int i = 0; i < size / sizeof(long); i++)
        dest[i] = src[i];

This removes the platform dependency, but you need to be very careful with the bounds checking and pointer arithmetic.

Try System.Buffer.MemoryCopy, see the bottom of the page for supported target frameworks.

I believe that the main difference between this and the other solutions that use P/Invoke is that this method avoids the P/Invoke for smaller sizes and just does the copying directly.

Here's the guts of the implementation in .NET Core (latest as of 2020-09-04).

Without making comments on performance, purely because I have not tested it. You can achieve the same performance as unmanaged copy by using either CopyMemory or MoveMemory from Kernel32 via interop.

Here is the declaration for CopyMemory

static extern void CopyMemory(IntPtr destination, IntPtr source, uint length);

