How can I copy/paste data to and from the Windows clipboard to an OpenSuse clipboard using VNC?

Yes, I just went thru this again on CentOS 5.2 (setting up old dev environment). Add this to $HOME/.vnc/xstartup worked for KDE and GNOME and ICEWM to enable copy/paste between VNC Client on Windows and the Windows host:

vncconfig  -nowin &
autocutsel -fork

Copy/paste to work add these:

  1. sudo apt-get install autocutsel

  2. add autocutsel -fork line to xstartup file with:

    vi /home/<username>/.vnc/xstartup

    like this:

     xrdb $HOME/.Xresources  
     autocutsel -fork  
     startxfce4 &
  3. restart vncserver

I resolved this by installing the autocutsel RPM from the software management section of Yast, and then running:

$ autocutsel -s PRIMARY -fork

This enabled copy/paste between my VNC and my Windows clipboard.

Thanks to this source.