How can I cleanly remove a container image from the Google Container Registry?

This can be done via Gcloud which means it can be done from the CLI or in a code pipeline (say at the end of CD).

As documented by Google, you can collect a list of all untagged images with:

gcloud container images list-tags  [HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE] --filter='-tags:*' --format="get(digest)" --limit=$BIG_NUMBER

And then delete an image with:

gcloud container images delete  [HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE]@DIGEST --quiet

where the above command is run for each output (DIGEST) from the first command.

A rough scripted example would be running the following post gcloud auth:

gcloud container images list-tags --filter='-tags:*' --format="get(digest)" --limit=10 > tags && while read p; do gcloud container images delete "$p" --quiet; done < tags

A Github actions post CD image cleanup task would look like:

    needs: [CI, Build_myApp]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: 'Authenticate to Gcloud'
        uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
          project_id: myProject
          service_account_email: [email protected]
          service_account_key: ${{ secrets.CONTAINER_ADMIN_NP_SA }}
          export_default_credentials: true
      - name: 'Cleanup untagged images in nonprod'
        run: gcloud container images list-tags --filter='-tags:*' --format="get(digest)" --limit=10 > tags && while read p; do gcloud container images delete "$p" --quiet; done < tags

UPDATE: You can now delete individual container images straight from the UI.

  1. Go to the Container Registry page.
  2. You should see a list of container images. Click the one you want to delete. Container Registry
  3. Select one or more tags, and click the delete button. Select and Delete images

As of Nov 2015: There is no way to currently delete a single container image from the registry cleanly. Right now, it is basically all or nothing. The GCR team is working on this!

Original Answer: I can't think of an easy way to delete individual images. You can delete ALL of the images by deleting the Cloud Storage bucket with gsutil rb gs://artifacts.<PROJECT-ID> You can also use the storage browser and try to delete individual parts ( but you would have to know the Docker hashes for each layer!