How can I check all the installed Python versions on Windows?

As I got from running python -2,

Requested Python version (2) not installed, use -0 for available pythons PS C:\Users\ASUS> py -0 Installed Pythons found by C:\Windows\py.exe Launcher for Windows -3.9-64 *

As in, use command py -0

if you are using windows type in CMD

where python

and get something like this


I just got the answer. By typing "py -h" or "py --help" I got the help message:

C:\Users\admin>py -h
Python Launcher for Windows Version 3.7.1150.1013

py [launcher-args] [python-args] script [script-args]

Launcher arguments:

-2     : Launch the latest Python 2.x version
-3     : Launch the latest Python 3.x version
-X.Y   : Launch the specified Python version
     The above all default to 64 bit if a matching 64 bit python is present.
-X.Y-32: Launch the specified 32bit Python version
-X-32  : Launch the latest 32bit Python X version
-X.Y-64: Launch the specified 64bit Python version
-X-64  : Launch the latest 64bit Python X version
-0  --list       : List the available pythons
-0p --list-paths : List with paths

Which tells me that "-0" (zero, not letter "O") lists the available pythons:

C:\Users\admin>py -0
Installed Pythons found by py Launcher for Windows
 -3.7-64 *

While "-0p" lists not only the versions, but also the paths:

C:\Users\admin>py -0p
Installed Pythons found by py Launcher for Windows
 -3.7-64        C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe *
 -3.7-32        C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe
 -2.7-64        C:\Python27_64\python.exe
 -2.7-32        C:\Python27_32\python.exe

If py -0p doesn't work for you:


PowerShell: C:\> dir -s -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue CMD: C:\>dir /s


I found this workaround on Webucator and made some small adjustments for powershell.


dir with the s parameter "lists every occurrence of the specified file name within the specified directory and all subdirectories" (Microsoft Docs).

Since dir <filename> /s returns occurrences of <filename> within the specified directory and all sub-directories, run this from your C drive (unless you only want to check under a specific directory, e.g. check Python installations for a user).

dir /s technically just checks for all files (which is a module in Python's Standard Library) and returns their parent directory's full path. This means that it will miss an installation if has been removed for some reason and also return directories that aren't Python installations but contain python files named site.

Lastly, this returns the parent directory for, not the path for the Python installation's executable (like py -0p would if it worked for you).'s parent directory will include the path to the Python installation (e.g. C:\Users\Name\Python36) as well as the additional sub-driectories containing (e.g. \Lib\).


