How can I calculate a hash for a filesystem-directory using Python?

I'm not a fan of how the recipe referenced in the answer was written. I have a much simpler version that I'm using:

import hashlib
import os

def hash_directory(path):
    digest = hashlib.sha1()

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for names in files:
            file_path = os.path.join(root, names)

            # Hash the path and add to the digest to account for empty files/directories

            # Per @pt12lol - if the goal is uniqueness over repeatability, this is an alternative method using 'hash'
            # digest.update(str(hash(file_path[len(path):])).encode())

            if os.path.isfile(file_path):
                with open(file_path, 'rb') as f_obj:
                    while True:
                        buf = * 1024)
                        if not buf:

    return digest.hexdigest()

I found exceptions were usually being thrown whenever something like an alias was encountered (shows up in the os.walk(), but you can't directly open it). The os.path.isfile() check takes care of those issues.

If there were to be an actual file within a directory I'm attempting to hash and it couldn't be opened, skipping that file and continuing is not a good solution. That affects the outcome of the hash. Better to kill the hash attempt altogether. Here, the try statement would be wrapped around the call to my hash_directory() function.

>>> try:
...   print(hash_directory('/tmp'))
... except:
...   print('Failed!')

This Recipe provides a nice function to do what you are asking. I've modified it to use the MD5 hash, instead of the SHA1, as your original question asks

def GetHashofDirs(directory, verbose=0):
  import hashlib, os
  SHAhash = hashlib.md5()
  if not os.path.exists (directory):
    return -1

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
      for names in files:
        if verbose == 1:
          print 'Hashing', names
        filepath = os.path.join(root,names)
          f1 = open(filepath, 'rb')
          # You can't open the file for some reason

        while 1:
          # Read file in as little chunks
          buf =
          if not buf : break

    import traceback
    # Print the stack traceback
    return -2

  return SHAhash.hexdigest()

You can use it like this:

print GetHashofDirs('folder_to_hash', 1)

The output looks like this, as it hashes each file:

Hashing file1.cache
Hashing text.txt
Hashing library.dll
Hashing vsfile.pdb
Hashing prog.cs

The returned value from this function call comes back as the hash. In this case, 5be45c5a67810b53146eaddcae08a809

Here is an implementation that uses pathlib.Path instead of relying on os.walk. It sorts the directory contents before iterating so it should be repeatable on multiple platforms. It also updates the hash with the names of files/directories, so adding empty files and directories will change the hash.

Version with type annotations (Python 3.6 or above):

import hashlib
from _hashlib import HASH as Hash
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

def md5_update_from_file(filename: Union[str, Path], hash: Hash) -> Hash:
    assert Path(filename).is_file()
    with open(str(filename), "rb") as f:
        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
    return hash

def md5_file(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> str:
    return str(md5_update_from_file(filename, hashlib.md5()).hexdigest())

def md5_update_from_dir(directory: Union[str, Path], hash: Hash) -> Hash:
    assert Path(directory).is_dir()
    for path in sorted(Path(directory).iterdir(), key=lambda p: str(p).lower()):
        if path.is_file():
            hash = md5_update_from_file(path, hash)
        elif path.is_dir():
            hash = md5_update_from_dir(path, hash)
    return hash

def md5_dir(directory: Union[str, Path]) -> str:
    return str(md5_update_from_dir(directory, hashlib.md5()).hexdigest())

Without type annotations:

import hashlib
from pathlib import Path

def md5_update_from_file(filename, hash):
    assert Path(filename).is_file()
    with open(str(filename), "rb") as f:
        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
    return hash

def md5_file(filename):
    return md5_update_from_file(filename, hashlib.md5()).hexdigest()

def md5_update_from_dir(directory, hash):
    assert Path(directory).is_dir()
    for path in sorted(Path(directory).iterdir()):
        if path.is_file():
            hash = md5_update_from_file(path, hash)
        elif path.is_dir():
            hash = md5_update_from_dir(path, hash)
    return hash

def md5_dir(directory):
    return md5_update_from_dir(directory, hashlib.md5()).hexdigest()

Condensed version if you only need to hash directories:

def md5_update_from_dir(directory, hash):
    assert Path(directory).is_dir()
    for path in sorted(Path(directory).iterdir(), key=lambda p: str(p).lower()):
        if path.is_file():
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
        elif path.is_dir():
            hash = md5_update_from_dir(path, hash)
    return hash

def md5_dir(directory):
    return md5_update_from_dir(directory, hashlib.md5()).hexdigest()

Usage: md5_hash = md5_dir("/some/directory")

Use checksumdir python package available for calculating checksum/hash of directory. It's available at

Usage :

import checksumdir
hash = checksumdir.dirhash("c:\\temp")
print hash


