How can I add methods from a Java class as global functions in Javascript using Rhino?

I'm not real familiar with Rhino, but something like this should work:

for(var fn in utils) {
  if(typeof utils[fn] === 'function') {
    this[fn] = (function() {
      var method = utils[fn];
      return function() {
         return method.apply(utils,arguments);

Just loop over the properties of utils,and for each one that is a function, create a global function that calls it.

EDIT: I got this working in a Groovy script, but I had to set utils in the bindings, not on the engine like in your code:

import javax.script.*

class Utils {
   void foo(String bar) {
      println bar

ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("js");

for(var fn in utils) {
  if(typeof utils[fn] === 'function') {
    this[fn] = (function() {
      var method = utils[fn];
      return function() {
         return method.apply(utils,arguments);

foo('foo'); // prints foo, sure enough
""",new SimpleBindings("utils":new Utils()))

I'm not sure how this would work using the JSR-223 API, but with the Rhino API, you can create a FunctionObject with the method you want to add like this.

Class[] parameters = new Class[] { String.class, Integer.class };
Method dealMethod = Utils.class.getMethod("deal", parameters);
engine.put("deal", new FunctionObject("deal", dealMethod, scope));

The documentation is available at

You might need to reference the Rhino library to access the FunctionObject class, and I'm not sure how you would get the scope object with the JSR-223 API (although, it's possible that null would work).