How are DNS timeouts supposed to work?

The empty response that you're looking at is a synthetic state known as NODATA. NODATA and NXDOMAIN both indicate that the name does not exist, but NXDOMAIN applies to all names beneath the indicated record as well. NODATA is advising that either that name is associated with records of an unrequested type, or that there are other records that are beneath what you're requesting. (i.e.

Your takeaway from NODATA and NXDOMAIN is effectively the same in this context: the record of the requested name and type did not exist. An authoritative nameserver was reached for the requested domain, and it replied back stating that a record of that name and type did not exist. This is not a communication error. The authoritative server said that it didn't have the data. More than likely the server you were talking to had already processed this request and negative cached the absence of that record within the last four hours. (14400 seconds is the negative cache interval defined by the SOA record for

Neither NXDOMAIN or NODATA by themselves will result in a timeout when encountered in this instance, but your resolver library will probably move on from here to appending the DNS search suffix, which may in turn trigger a timeout for the authoritative DNS servers of the search domain.

It should be noted that none of this explains why you encountered a SERVFAIL response when looking up That points at a problem with the recursive server getting the answer from the authoritative servers. Either the authoritative server replied with SERVFAIL, the recursive server could not reach any of the authoritative servers, or the recursive server determined that the data returned was invalid. None of this can be proven with the information that you've provided.

I don't know of any specific guidelines except those defined in section " Efficient Resource Usage" of RFC 1123

There a timeout value of "no less than 5 seconds" is specified. The RFC also states that temporary failures should be cached. This is to prevent excessive amount of DNS requests if clients violate section 2.2 of the RFC. That section states that clients should wait a "reasonable" amount of time between retries in case of soft failures.

There is also a Stackoverflow thread about this topic, but it doesn't contain much more information except for some real-world observations.

That's all I can say about this topic. If someone else has more to add, I'd be interested as well.