How Akka benefits from ForkJoinPool?

The FJP in Akka is run with asyncMode = true so for the first question that is - having external clients submitting short/small async workloads. Each submitted workload is either dispatching an actor to process one or a few messages from its inbox but it is also used to execute Scala Future operations.

When a non-ForkJoinTask is scheduled to run on the FJP, it is adapted to a FJP and enqueued just like ForkJoinTasks. There's isn't a single submission where tasks are queued (there was in an early version, JDK7 perhaps), there are many, to avoid contention, and an idle thread can pick (steal) tasks from other queues than its own if that is empty.

Note that by default we are currently running on a forked version of the Java 8 FJP, as we saw significant decrease in throughput with the Java 9 FJP when that came (it contains quite a bit of changes). Here's the issue #21910 discussing that if you are interested. Additionally, if you want to play around with benchmarking different pools you can find a few *Pool benchmarks here:

Scalability of Fork Join Pool

Akka 2.0 message passing throughput scales way better on multi-core hardware than in previous versions, thanks to the new fork join executor developed by Doug Lea. One micro benchmark illustrates a 1100% increase in throughput!




  1. Substantially better throughput when lots of clients submit lots of tasks. (I've measured up to 60X speedups on microbenchmarks). The idea is to treat external submitters in a similar way as workers -- using randomized queuing and stealing. (This required a big internal refactoring to disassociate work queues and workers.) This also greatly improves throughput when all tasks are async and submitted to the pool rather than forked, which becomes a reasonable way to structure actor frameworks, as well as many plain services that you might otherwise use ThreadPoolExecutor for.

These improvements also lead to a less hostile stance about submitting possibly-blocking tasks. An added parag in the ForkJoinTask documentation provides some guidance (basically: we like them if they are small (even if numerous) and don't have dependencies).
