Holiday present-ation vs. content contest

A duck is running away from becoming a Christmas roast while jumping along the lines to help with the carol singing. Luckily it ran fast enough and is meeting all his friends on the last slide.

\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]


% creating the title page

%remove navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

% Note: very bad idea to use frame in a custom environment
% will break for fragile frames ... but for the spirit of X-Mas

% not really a duck, but close enough

% Jumps from line to line

% and helps the singer along the refrain
    \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{%
        \Longstack{{\duck} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{la}}\hskip-7pt%

% refrain
    \Longstack[l]{{\duck} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{Fa}}\hskip-7.5pt%

% from

% modified from
\pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} % seed for random generator
        \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{}
        \frametitle{HoHoHo! Merry X-MAS!}
%         \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight); 
         \foreach \i in {1,...,100} {
                   \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{\x\paperwidth}{\y\paperheight}, left, base]{\textcolor{red!\i!black}{\Large\PHdove}}

% snow in the background
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
         \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight); 
         \foreach \i in {1,...,100} {

% Titlepage
\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%


enter image description here

Now that the absence of ducks in latex is finally cured I can replace the dove staging as a duck by a real duck (warning: the following code may take a while to compile)

\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]

% creating the title page

%remove navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

% Note: very bad idea to use frame in a custom environment
% will break for fragile frames ... but for the spirit of X-Mas

% really a duck :) 

% Jumps from line to line

% and helps the singer along the refrain
    \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{%
        \Longstack{{\santa} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{la}}\hskip-7pt%

% refrain
    \Longstack[l]{{\santa} \colorstring{green!40!black}{red!70!black}{Fa}}\hskip-7.5pt%

% from

% modified from
\pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} % seed for random generator
        \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{}
        \frametitle{HoHoHo! Merry X-MAS!}
        (0.430,1.803) .. controls (0.590,2.174) and (0.837,2.065) ..
        (1.118,1.954) .. controls (1.679,1.731) and (1.328,1.193) .. 
        (1.647,1.057) .. controls (1.638,1.255) and (1.745,2.104) .. 
        (1.168,2.270) .. controls (0.867,2.356) and (0.536,2.280) .. 
        (0.430,1.803) -- cycle;
        (0.44,1.733) .. controls (0.211,2.299) and (1.082,2.188) .. 
        (1.456,1.759) .. controls (1.534,1.637) and (1.480,1.545) .. 
        (1.400,1.566) .. controls (1.265,1.714) and (0.577,2.267) .. 
        (0.44,1.733) -- cycle;
    \fill[white!80!brown] (1.6,1.0) circle (0.17);

% snow in the background
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
         \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight); 
         \foreach \i in {1,...,100} {

% Titlepage
\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%


enter image description here enter image description here

Surely my entry is not so impressive, but it has been a useful exercise (my first LaTeX class!).

Quite pleased that the overflowing word acts perfectly as tree topper.

\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
\LoadClass{article} % or a different class, or process options, etc.


\newcommand{\caroltitle}[1]{\centering {\Large \textcolor{red}{#1}} \vspace{5mm}}

\newcommand{\Falala}{Fa la la la la, la la la la}


\newcommand{\illustration}{\vspace{5mm} \centering \colorbox{blue}{{\color{white}\staveLXII \staveLXII \staveLXII}}}




enter image description here

Here is happyholidays.cls. EDITED, per OP request, to make punctuation following "falalalala" colored, which I accomplished by making \Falala take a mandatory argument, namely, the closing punctuation.

\ProvidesClass{happyholidays}[2016/12/19 Stackexchange holiday challenge]
\LoadClass{article} % or a different class, or process options, etc.
  \textcolor{red}{\itshape\bfseries Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la%

I used the given input file



\caroltitle{Deck the Halls}

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
'Tis the season to be jolly, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Don we now our gay apparel, \eol
\Falala. \eol
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, \eol
\Falala! \eol



With the file name Deck The Halls.jpg downloaded from

enter image description here