Hive error: parseexception missing EOF

@Haiying Wang pointed out that LOCATION is to be put in front of tblproperties.

But I think the error also occurs when location is specified above stored as.

Its better to stick to the correct order:

CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name    -- (Note: TEMPORARY available in Hive 0.14.0 and later)
  [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ... [constraint_specification])]
  [COMMENT table_comment]
  [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)]
  [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)] INTO num_buckets BUCKETS]
  [SKEWED BY (col_name, col_name, ...)                  -- (Note: Available in Hive 0.10.0 and later)]
     ON ((col_value, col_value, ...), (col_value, col_value, ...), ...)
   [ROW FORMAT row_format] 
   [STORED AS file_format]
     | STORED BY '' [WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (...)]  -- (Note: Available in Hive 0.6.0 and later)
  [LOCATION hdfs_path]
  [TBLPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)]   -- (Note: Available in Hive 0.6.0 and later)
  [AS select_statement];   -- (Note: Available in Hive 0.5.0 and later; not supported for external tables)

Refer: Hive Create Table

Try put the "LOCATION" in front of "tblproperties" like below, worked for me.

CREATE TABLE default.testtbl(int1 INT,string1 STRING)  
  stored as orc 
  LOCATION "/user/hive/test_table"
  tblproperties ("orc.compress"="NONE");

It seems even the sample SQL from book "Programming Hive" got the order wrong. Please reference to the official definition of create table command: