Hiding paypal button from Braintree's dropin ui

I work at Braintree. If you have more detailed questions, please get in touch with our support team.

In the current major version of the drop-in, showing the PayPal button is a configurable option.

In previous versions, f you're using Braintree for your PayPal integration, and you're using the drop-in UI, the PayPal button will show up. If you don't want the PayPal button to show up because you don't want to use PayPal through your Braintree integration, and you haven't yet updated to the current version, email [email protected] and they'll disable it for you.

Apparently this is possible since in v2.15.0 they added a headless option.

Example code: https://gist.github.com/danielwu426/70eac6b34ab7491610f0

