Hide TabBar in Xamarin Forms Shell

Sorry, don't have enough rep. to comment.

In which class are you doing Shell.SetTabBarIsVisible(Shell.Current, false);?

Is it the Shell or Current that is null if you put it after the constructor?

Edit 30/6/2019:

I have tested a few things in Shell. Here's a link to the project: https://github.com/JesperBaltzersen/ShellTest In the class Content1.Xaml.cs there's a button handler that toggles the tabbar:

    public bool NavVisible { get; set; }

    void OnButtonTapped(object sender, EventArgs args)
        NavVisible = !NavVisible;
        Shell.SetNavBarIsVisible(this, NavVisible);

Hope it helps.

In my case, I need to remove tabbar from child page, then: Shell.TabBarIsVisible="False"

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
             Title="Child page from shell"

Another approach:



TabBarIsVisible is an attached property of Shell. You should pass the page as the first parameter in the SetTabBarIsVisible to tell the shell hiding its tab bar. Use it like:

public AppShell()

    Shell.SetTabBarIsVisible(this, false);

You can also place it on any page which you don't need the tab bar.