Hibernate IN Clause with multiple columns

Putting down here how I implemented this. Basically we need to make a Hibernate Component (read @Embeddable object) out of the set of columns we need to query on and embed it in the main Entity.

The group of columns can be combined as below:

public class CompositeColumns{
  private String col1;
  private String col2;

  //Empty constructor is required by Hibernate for instantiation
  public CompositeColumns(){

  public CompositeColumns(String col1, String col2){
            this.col1 = col1;
            this.col2 = col2;

  public String getCol1(){
  //Rest of getters and setters

Embed the above in your main entity class as below:

public class MyEntity{
 private Integer id;
 private String col3;
 private String col4
 private CompositeColumns pairedCol1Col2;
 //Getters Setters


The query would then look as below:

List<CompositeColumns> cols = //get a list of CompositeColumns type

Query query=session.createQuery( "from MyEntity where pairedCol1Col2 in (:list)" );
query.setParameterList( "list", list );

This does the job.

Note: I ran this on an Oracle database

What you are asking here is known as the tuple syntax. It is supported by Hibernate but unfortunately many databases do no support it ...


