HexaGolf: Wordagons

Python 2, 83 bytes

while 1:l-=1;y=abs(l);print' '*y+' '.join(s[:y:-1]+s[y]*y+s[y:])

Prints the wordagon and then crashes (which only prints to STDERR).


% python2.7 wordagon.py <<<'"abcde"' 2&>/dev/null
    e e e e e
   e d d d d e
  e d c c c d e
 e d c b b c d e
e d c b a b c d e
 e d c b b c d e
  e d c c c d e
   e d d d d e
    e e e e e

xnor saved 5 bytes. Thanks!

Vim, 92 bytes

:se ri|s/./ &/g
ⓋCⓇ"Ⓓ␛$vpmlmrqqYpi ␛`ljxxhmlylv`rjlmr:s/\%V\(.\)./Ⓡ" /g

Circled letters represent Control + letter; ␛ is escape.


Mathematica 100 219 bytes

If ASCII-Art need not be Terminal-Art this should be valid.

My earlier submission mistakenly drew a star rather than a hexagon. I can't see how I was so off!

c = CirclePoints@6;
f@s_:=Graphics[{Text[s~StringPart~1,{0,0}],Flatten@Table[Text[StringPart[s,n+1],#]&/@Subdivide[Sequence@@#,n]&/@Partition[Riffle[(n)CirclePoints@6,RotateLeft[n CirclePoints@6]],2],{n,1,StringLength@s-1}]},BaseStyle->20]

CirclePoints@6 returns the vertices of a unit hexagon, assuming that the center is at the origin.

Subdivideing the coordinates for neighboring vertices finds equally spaced positions along the respective edge.

A counter from 1 through the StringLength -1 of the input string allows each layer of the wordagon to be handled separately.
As n increases, so does the respective distance of each vertex from the origin.

Text[s~StringPart~1,{0,0}] prints the first letter of the input at the origin.



For the curious, this is what the star version looked like. I know, it was way off the mark. It only showed the letters at the hexagon's vertices.

Graphics@Table[Text[Style[StringPart[#, r + 1], 54], r {Cos@t, Sin@t}], {t, 0, 2π, π/3}, {r, 0, StringLength@# - 1}] &["Hexa"]
