Helper Devise: could not find the `Warden::Proxy` instance on request environment

Based on this SO answer you need to include the Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers module in your controller specs. Add the following to your rails_helper:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers, type: :controller


config.include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers, type: :controller

in your rails_helper.rb file.

It can happen when you call Devise methods, like current_user, in code being managed by action cable. like a background job to render comment or something else.

You may resolve it by doing something like the following in your controller. It propagates warden to the the @env['warden'] variable so that Devise can use it:

def create
  @product = Product.find(comment_params[:product_id])
  @comment =!

  gon.comment_id =
  gon.comment_user_id = @comment.user_id

  ActionCable.server.broadcast "chat", comment: render_comment
  render :create, layout: false

def render_comment
    :@env, {
      "warden" => warden

    partial: 'comments/comment_detail',
    locals: {
      product: @product,
      comment: @comment

This will help you resolve the warden issue, if you have used Devise's current_user in that partial, it will give you the commentor user (as it should since that user initiated the rendering of partial).

Now to solve this, if you have a front end framework you might need to fetch the current user from cookies in order to restrict some actions like edit/delete. but if you are working in pure rails the solution I came across is that you have to make a hidden field in the dom having current users id, and you will fetch that id for comparison in a script. you might need to access rails variables in javascript, for that you can use GON gem.

I know this answer might contain much more than asked but I've searched alot and no where I found a satisfactory solution to this problem, feel free to discuss.