Help rendering a complicated sum/product formula

Perhaps you could start with this:



        {\substack{B\subset\{1..n\},\\\lvert B\rvert=d}} 
            {\substack{p,q\in B,\\p\neq q}}
            {t\in\{1..n\}\slash B}\kern-2ex


I tried to replicate it.

enter image description here

The video might also be helpful.

I would type it in a slightly different way, to improve the legibility of the formula:

\usepackage{mathtools, relsize}


\[ \mathlarger{ \sum}_{\substack{B\subset\{1 \cdot\cdot n\}\\ |B| = d}}\,\Bigl(\smashoperator{\prod_{\substack{p, q\in B \\ p\ne q}}}(\alpha_p-\alpha_q)\:\smashoperator{ \prod_{\substack{t \in\{1 \cdot\cdot n\}\\ t \notin B }}}(x-\alpha_t) \Bigr) \]%


enter image description here

I'd use standard sizes:




\sum_{\substack{\sss B\subset\{1..n\}, \\ \sss \lvert B\rvert=d}}\;
    \smashoperator{\tprod_{\substack{\sss p,q\in B, \\ \sss p\neq q}}}
    \smashoperator{\tprod_{\sss t\in\{1..n\}/B}}


enter image description here