Help Reading Log File "exception.log" file in Magento 2.1.2

First exception is a simple alias conflict in your XML file.

main.CRITICAL: Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException: The element '' already has a child with alias 'file' in /home/{username}/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Data/Structure.php:611

This means that you are using a child element with alias file under Just check for all occurrences of and check if child elements with as="file" exists. rename anyone and error should get removed.
The alias name is "file" which is used for multiple elements. Run command grep -rnw 'YOUR_ROOT_DIRECTORY' -e "" --exclude-dir YOUR_ROOT_DIRECTORY/var You will find files using the term. Check each of them for "file" alias name. If there are multiple, rename anyone. You also need to update the code where is being referenced.
For second exception,

main.CRITICAL: Magento\Framework\View\Asset\File\NotFoundException: Unable to get content for 'frontend/Vizume/bencherChild/en_US/FishPig_WordPress/css/wordpress.min.css' in /home/{username}/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/View/Asset/File.php:165

First make sure that the file exist on the path. If the file is not available, just run static deploy command. If the file is there, check for it's permission if it is accessible.
your file permissions are correct, no need to change, just find the code which includes wordpress.min.css in your code and put it in your question.

After reading the Magento docs and trying Jaimin's solutions, it seems that that the as="file" as="default" as="select" as="text" aliases that are assigned to blocks under block are FIRSTLY DEFINED in the base theme, so the EXTENDING (not overriding) file that was written by the new theme author is repeating the same parent block/child block relationship and Magento is reading those blocks twice, thus throwing the "already has a child with alias" exception.

However, IF OVERRIDING, then the base theme file would be ignored and the aliases would only be defined once, thus not throwing the exception.

Commenting out the "repeated" block with those aliases defined seems to have fixed the exceptions.

However, the strange thing is that there are other blocks that are repeatedly defined again, but not throwing exceptions. Possible due to the "parent block/child block" relationship being a bit different?