Height of the Monaco Editor

You can set the height of the editor to fit the screen and use overflow: hidden; on the window, along with overflow: auto; on the editor

I believe it works just by setting body's margin and padding to 0, and the .me's overflow to hidden.

.me {
    height: 100vh;
    overflow: hidden;

body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

This won't cause your lines in the bottom invisible, since monaco will handle the scrolling for you.

In fact you are getting the native scrollbar just because that has something to do with how monaco get the scrolling stuffs implemented. Setting the editor container's overflow to hidden will just work fine.

P.S Keep in mind that the editor's size won't change when you resize the window, so you have to detect the resizing and call editor.layout() manually.


Use this one :

.me {
    position:absolute; left:0; top:0;
    width:100%; height:100%; max-height:100% !important;
    margin:0; padding:0;

It works on my computer.