Having problems using IIS Express SSL with VS2012 and a Team

I can confirm that Visual Studio 2013 is free from this issue.

Upgrading from VS2012 to 2013 solved the problem for me.

I have recently come across this same problem, and I've been able to determine why it's happening.

Visual Studio is using the Project Url setting to set the IIS Express http binding, and then it looks at the IISExpressSSLPort setting to set the https binding.

However, if you've changed the Project Url to an https address, that is when Visual Studio gets confused. For the purposes of IIS Express binding updating, it assumes that you've entered an http address for the Project Url and doesn't seem to be able to handle an https address being there.

This complicates things since changing the Project Url to an https address is the only way I've found to make Visual Studio start debugging the https url by default.

So, this seems to be a problem in how Visual Studio is handling the IIS Express binding updates. I'm not aware of a good workaround that allows both the automated binding updates and to start debugging with the https address loaded.