Have multiple commands when button is pressed

You can simply use lambda like this:

self.testButton = Button(self, text=" test", command=lambda:[funct1(),funct2()])

You could create a generic function for combining functions, it might look something like this:

def combine_funcs(*funcs):
    def combined_func(*args, **kwargs):
        for f in funcs:
            f(*args, **kwargs)
    return combined_func

Then you could create your button like this:

self.testButton = Button(self, text = "test", 
                         command = combine_funcs(func1, func2))

def func1(evt=None):

self.testButton = Button(self, text = "test", 
                         command = func1)


I guess maybe you could do something like

self.testButton = Button(self, text = "test", 
                         command = lambda x:func1() & func2())

but that is really gross ...

You can use the lambda for this:

self.testButton = Button(self, text = "test", lambda: [f() for f in [func1, funct2]])