Haskell zipWith

You can't * two numbers having a different type, like Float and Int. You need to explicitly convert one of them so that they have the same type (Float, in your case).

averageGrade :: [Float] -> [Int] -> Float
averageGrade a b
            | a == [] = 0
            | b == [] = 0
            | otherwise = sum (zipWith (\ x y -> x * fromIntegral y) a b)

Note that you do not really need to check the ==[] cases, since zipWith returns [] is those cases, and sum [] == 0.

averageGrade :: [Float] -> [Int] -> Float
averageGrade a b = sum (zipWith (\ x y -> x * fromIntegral y) a b)

You can (*) different types given that those are members of Num type class. You may add Num and Eq constraints to the type signature such as;

averageGrade :: (Num a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> a
averageGrade a b | a == [] = 0
                 | b == [] = 0
                 | otherwise = sum $ zipWith (*) a b

*Main> averageGrade [0.75 , 0.25] [6, 4]

However as @chi mentions you don't really need the checks for empty lists hence we don't really need the Eq constraint in the type signature. The following should be sufficient.

averageGrade :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> a
averageGrade a b = sum $ zipWith (*) a b

*Main> averageGrade [0.75 , 0.25] [6, 4]