Has anyone been able to setup create react app with semantic-ui?

I know this question is rather "old" (in a front-end dev sense), but Semantic UI now has official React integration and bindings:

Semantic UI React


Among its key features (from the landing page):

jQuery Free

All jQuery functionality has been re-implemented in React.

Declarative API

Declarative APIs provide for robust features and prop validation.


Control the rendered HTML tag, or render one component as another component. Extra props are passed to the component you are rending as.

Shorthand Props

Shorthand props generate markup for you, making many use cases a breeze. All object props are spread on the child components.

Sub Components

Sub components give you complete access to the markup. This is essential for flexibility in customizing components.

Auto Controlled State

Our stateful components self manage their state out of the box, without wiring. Dropdowns open on click without wiring onClick to the open prop. The value is also stored internally, without wiring onChange to value.


$ npm install semantic-ui-react --save
$ npm install semantic-ui-css --save

or if you prefer Yarn:

$ yarn add semantic-ui-react
$ yarn add semantic-ui-css

After installing, include this line in your index.js file:

import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css';