Handling optional commas in text

Unobtrusive parts in a TeX file can be made with a single character if it is an active character. Here is how you can do it with ; for \optionalcomma (if you don't need real semicolons).


% \newcommand{\optionalcomma}{}


Well, what do you think; about this?


Piece of cake if you're free to use LuaLaTeX. :-)

The code below sets up two Lua functions, called functionA and functionB, and two LaTeX utility macros, called \OptionA and \OptionB to activate the respective Lua functions. By "activating" a Lua function, I mean assigning it to LuaTeX's process_input_buffer callback, which operates on the input at a very early stage, i.e., before TeX starts its usual macro expansion operations. Both functionA and functionB employ Lua's powerful gsub ("global substitution") string function.

I would assume that, in practice, your document will only contain either an \OptionA directive or an \OptionB directive. Ideally, you'd issue the directive immediately after \begin{document}.

The following screenshot shows the output of Han så,, at jeg kom, og at jeg var glad. if \OptionA is executed at the start of the document environment.

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex

%% Set up two Lua functions:
function functionA ( s )  return ( s:gsub(",," ,",") )  end
function functionB ( s )  return ( s:gsub(",," , "") )  end

%% Set up two LaTeX macros to activate the corresponding Lua functions:
   "process_input_buffer" , functionA , "functionA")}}
   "process_input_buffer" , functionB , "functionB")}}

\OptionA % or: \OptionB
Han så,, at jeg kom, og at jeg var glad.

You might (ab)use \, for the purpose. Use \thinspace if you really need the original meaning of \, in text mode.

\newcommand{\optionalcomma}{} % standard, no comma

Example with no optional comma


\newcommand{\optionalcomma}{} % standard, no comma


Well, what do you think\, about this?


enter image description here

Example with optional comma activated


\newcommand{\optionalcomma}{} % standard, no comma



Well, what do you think\, about this?


enter image description here