Handle empty response with retrofit and rxjava 2.x

Completable was designed for such cases. It available since RxJava 1.1.1. From the official docs:

Represents a deferred computation without any value but only indication for completion or exception. The class follows a similar event pattern as Reactive-Streams: onSubscribe (onError|onComplete)?

So just change your method's return type:

Completable getToken(@Header("Authorization") String authorization,
                     @Header("username")      String username,
                     @Header("password")      String password);

And rewrite your subscriber, e.g.:

apiManager.getToken(auth, name, pass)
    .subscribe(() -> {
    }, exception -> {

Another solution is:

Observable<Response<Void>> getToken(@Header("Authorization") String authorization,
                                    @Header("username") String username,
                                    @Header("password") String password);

Update: But I would rather use Completable