H2O R api: retrieving optimal model from grid search

Yes, there is an easy way to extract the "top" model of an H2O grid search. There are also utility functions that will extract all the model metrics (e.g. h2o.mse) that you have been trying to access. Examples of how to do these things can be found in the h2o-r/demos and h2o-py/demos subfolders on the h2o-3 GitHub repo.

Since you are using R, here is a relevant code example that includes a grid search, with sorted results. You can also find how to access this information in the R documentation for the h2o.getGrid function.

Print out the auc for all of the models, sorted by validation AUC:

auc_table <- h2o.getGrid(grid_id = "eeg_demo_gbm_grid", sort_by = "auc", decreasing = TRUE)

Here is an example of the output:

H2O Grid Details

Grid ID: eeg_demo_gbm_grid 
Used hyper parameters: 
  -  ntrees 
  -  max_depth 
  -  learn_rate 
Number of models: 18 
Number of failed models: 0 

Hyper-Parameter Search Summary: ordered by decreasing auc
   ntrees max_depth learn_rate                  model_ids               auc
1     100         5        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_17 0.967771493797284
2      50         5        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_16 0.949609591795923
3     100         5        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_8  0.94941792664595
4      50         5        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_7 0.922075196552274
5     100         3        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_14 0.913785959685157
6      50         3        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_13 0.887706691652792
7     100         3        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_5 0.884064379717198
8       5         5        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_15 0.851187402678818
9      50         3        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_4 0.848921799270639
10      5         5        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_6 0.825662907513139
11    100         2        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_11 0.812030639460551
12     50         2        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_10 0.785379521713437
13    100         2        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_2  0.78299280750123
14      5         3        0.2 eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_12 0.774673686150002
15     50         2        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_1 0.754834657912535
16      5         3        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_3 0.749285131682721
17      5         2        0.2  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_9 0.692702793188135
18      5         2        0.1  eeg_demo_gbm_grid_model_0 0.676144542037133

The top row in the table contains the model with the best AUC, so below we can grab that model and extract the validation AUC:

best_model <- h2o.getModel(auc_table@model_ids[[1]])
h2o.auc(best_model, valid = TRUE)

In order for the h2o.getGrid function to be able sort by a metric on the validation set, you need to actually pass the h2o.grid function a validation_frame. In your example above, you did not pass a validation_frame, so you can't evaluate the models in the grid on the validation set.

This seems to be valid for recent versions of h2o only, with you get a Java exception saying that "auc" is an invalid metric. The following fails :

iris.hex <- as.h2o(iris)
h2o.grid("gbm", grid_id = "gbm_grid_id", x = c(1:4), y = 5,
     training_frame = iris.hex, hyper_params = list(ntrees = c(1,2,3)))
grid <- h2o.getGrid("gbm_grid_id", sort_by = "auc", decreasing = T)

However, replace 'auc' with 'logloss' and decrease = F, and it's fine.

