Grunt build causing Angular app to crash on dist

So I went down the wrong path thinking smoothing was wrong with Uglify or concat or minification.

The error did not occur with grunt serve but did occur only after a dist package was created with grunt build:dist

So it was deceiving in a sense that my Angular app DID work fine until I created a dist package.

The issue was for me, that I originally had a <ng-include src="'scripts/navigation/navigationMobile.html'"></ng-include> element in my Index.html file.

At some point I created a custom element directive <my-nav></my-nav> which used the same templateUrl = scripts/navigation/navigationMobile.html but I forgot to remove the <ng-include src="'scripts/navigation/navigationMobile.html'"></ng-include> element from my Index.html that <my-nav></my-nav> was intended to replace.

For whatever reason the 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! only occurred after running grunt build and creating the minified, Uglified vendor.js file, it did not occur when just developing and testing using grunt serve but I do not know the exact reason that the error only presented itself after grunt build.

Maybe someone can answer that.