Groovy custom sort a map by value

To sort with case insensitive, use

m.sort { it.value.toLowerCase() }

Assuming you mean you want to sort on value, you can just do:

Map m =[ james  :"silly boy",
         janny  :"Crazy girl",
         jimmy  :"funny man",
         georges:"massive fella" ]

Map sorted = m.sort { a, b -> a.value <=> b.value }

If somebody is looking for how to make it work in the Jenkins pipeline script, you will have to create a separate method with @NonCPS annotation for that:

def getSorted(def mapSizeMap){
    mapSizeMap.sort(){ a, b -> b.value <=> a.value }

And then call it from the pipeline script.

def sortedMapZoneMap = getSorted(mapZonesMap)

You can of course apply "case sensitive" logic on top.