Gradle uploadArchives task unable to read secret key

The problem is that you are using the public key, switch to the secret key, normally named "secring.gpg". So in your case it should placed in


The secring.gpg file has been removed in GPG 2.1.

However, GPG still can create such a file: gpg --export-secret-keys -o secring.gpg

Pro Tip: If Gradle's signing plugin complains that your key in signing.keyId=MY_KEY_ID is too long, you're certainly using the 40 characters fingerprint but are asked for the 8 char ID. You've got three options then:

  1. You can configure GPG to show the 8 char ID instead of the fingerprint by setting the keyid-format option.

    • a) Either explicitly define this option on CLI: gpg --list-keys --keyid-format short (Thanks tjheslin1!)
    • b) Or activate this option implicitly through the options file (default location is ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf).
  2. Try the last 8 digits of your 40 chars fingerprint. This is for the lazy developer ;-)