Gradle sync failed after restarting android studio, Cannot convert string value 'ML_MODEL_BINDING'

Had the same problem on IntelliJ 2020.1.3 .

What worked for me was updating gradle versions to the highest available:

in file build.gradle (project)

dependencies {
        classpath ''

in file


I'm facing the same issue on my KMP project.

The problem is on they add JETPACK_COMPOSE and ML_MODEL_BINDING to the BooleanFlag enum, so probably somewhere in the build tools they are trying to access it but the plugin implementation does not have it yet.

I tried to use the Android Studio 4.1 Canary 6 and it works to my project, hopefully, it works to your need too.

As a reference, there is an issue on IntelliJ support site here.

Downgrading to 4.1.0-alpha02 got rid of the error.

Using Android Studio 4.1 Canary 2.


