Google static maps with directions

I took Bedu33 logic in PHP and write it in javascript to generate the Google Maps Static Image in case someone needs it like I did. This code uses the response from the Directions API

var request = directionsDisplay.directions.request;
var start = + ',' + request.origin.lng();
var end = + ',' + request.destination.lng();
var path = directionsDisplay.directions.routes[0].overview_polyline;
var markers = [];           
var waypoints_labels = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"];
var waypoints_label_iter = 0;   
markers.push("markers=color:green|label:" + waypoints_labels[waypoints_label_iter] + '|' + start);

for(var i=0;i<request.waypoints.length;i++){
    //I have waypoints that are not stopovers I dont want to display them
        markers.push("markers=color:blue|label:" + waypoints_labels[++waypoints_label_iter] + '|' + request.waypoints[i] + "," +request.waypoints[i].location.lng());

markers.push("markers=color:red|label:" + waypoints_labels[++waypoints_label_iter] + '|' + end);

markers = markers.join('&');

alert("" + path + "&" + markers);

You can do it in two steps.

  1. Execute directions request from the PHP code to get the encoded polyline
  2. Use encoded polyline from step 1 with static maps


This will return encoded polyline in routes[0]->overview_polyline->points

Now use the polyline in static map:

I have created a small utility function for my website that does exactly what you need :

Given an origin, a destination and a array of waypoints (if needed), it gives you a clean Google Static Maps URL with driving path rendered between those points, and sets proper markers.



include "static-map-direction.php";

$origin = "45.291002,-0.868131";
$destination = "44.683159,-0.405704";
$waypoints = array(

$map_url = getStaticGmapURLForDirection($origin, $destination, $waypoints);

echo '<img src="'.$map_url.'"/>';



function getStaticGmapURLForDirection($origin, $destination, $waypoints, $size = "500x500") {
    $markers = array();
    $waypoints_labels = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K");
    $waypoints_label_iter = 0;

    $markers[] = "markers=color:green" . urlencode("|") . "label:" . urlencode($waypoints_labels[$waypoints_label_iter++] . '|' . $origin);
    foreach ($waypoints as $waypoint) {
        $markers[] = "markers=color:blue" . urlencode("|") . "label:" . urlencode($waypoints_labels[$waypoints_label_iter++] . '|' . $waypoint);
    $markers[] = "markers=color:red" . urlencode("|") . "label:" . urlencode($waypoints_labels[$waypoints_label_iter] . '|' . $destination);

    $url = "$origin&destination=$destination&waypoints=" . implode($waypoints, '|');
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, false);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    $googleDirection = json_decode($result, true);

    $polyline = urlencode($googleDirection['routes'][0]['overview_polyline']['points']);
    $markers = implode($markers, '&');

    return "$size&maptype=roadmap&path=enc:$polyline&$markers";
