Google recaptcha error in ie 11

Add this line to your script where the file recaptcha_*.js is downloaded


Add this meta on the html header to enable some HTML5 feature for Internet Explorer 11..

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

If it's not working then open Compability View Settings and remove
Open developer tools and go to Emulation tab then change document mode to Edge..

If it's still not working then add this polyfill on the header..

<script src=""></script>

Actually invisible recaptcha already supported for Android Stock Browser 4.0+ too.. So you don't need to worry if only old browser that doesn't supported..

The answer of Ruthi works on IE, but not on Google Chrome (error at runtime), so, for a cross-browser solution, you need first to ensure that the browser can handle querySelector().setActive

So, put this javascript code before the recaptcha rendering:

if(document.querySelector('body').setActive != undefined)