Google Maps Mobile SDK for Business vs. Google Maps Android API

The accepted answer is misleading because although the API console shows no limits on the Maps API, you will be contacted by Google to enable billing or get a Maps for Business licence if the usage of Maps API stays high consistently.

Here are the differences in the usage quotas between the Google Maps Android API and Google Maps API for Business:

Below are the key differences in the SDK of the two APIs:

P.S. The SDK comparison table above says that Maps for Mobile SDK is available only as a static library, but if you read the previous paragraph on the same page you can see that you can also get the latest version of Maps for Business SDK through the Android SDK Manager.

I'm a GDE for Google Maps (not Googler), and I asked these questions to the Google Maps team before.

1) No limitation for Google Maps Android API v2. See the Google APIs Console. enter image description here

2) I heard no limitation for the android.location.Geocoder from Google Maps team, because of it's part of Android System.

Read this answer: Android Geocoder quota limits

3) You can use both. But if you want to distribute it without online store, you should contract with the business agreement. Follow the TOS 9.1.2

4) There is no support by Google for Google Maps Android API v2. Read this page.