Google Maps for iOS, swift - How to show entire polyline between markers?

For Swift 2.0 Google Maps, to make your map view fit the polyline of the route you are drawing:

let path: GMSPath = GMSPath(fromEncodedPath: route)!
    routePolyline = GMSPolyline(path: path) = mapView

    var bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds()

    for index in 1...path.count() {
        bounds = bounds.includingCoordinate(path.coordinateAtIndex(index))


Though the question has an accepted answer,

Still one point which has not been discussed.

GMSPolyLine has a property ".path" which can used to bound the map with the complete polyline itself.

mapView.animate(with: self.polyLineObject.path!), withPadding: 10))
  • mapView is an instance of GMSMapView()
  • polyLineObject is an instance of GMSPolyLine()

With this approach, It'll do the job for sure.

Coz it has Done for me..

Hope it Helps..

You can zoom the map according the route or line displayed in the mapview. So that your route is displayed with in the mapView bounds.

let bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds(path:path! )
self.mapView!.animate(with:, withPadding: 50.0))

Here path is GMSPath of the route and mapView is GmsMapView.