Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure

Also check this post: Google Map Android Api V2 Sample Code not working, if you are completely sure you did the right steps then follow the second answer, the authentication gets cached somewhere, try to uninstall the application manually (just like you do with a normal application) then "Run" again the project


  • to ensure that device has Google Play services APK
  • to install Google Play Service rev. more than 2

enter image description here

  • to create project at
  • to enable "Google Maps Android API v2" enter image description here
  • to register of SHA1 in project (NOW, YOU NEED WRITE SHA1; at APIs console and get API KEY
  • to copy directory ANDROID_SDK_DIR/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib to root of your project
  • to add next line to the YOUR_PROJECT/


  • to add next lines to the YOUR_PROJECT/proguard-project.txt


-keep class * extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {

   protected Object[][] getContents();


Now you are ready to create your own Google Map app with using Google Map APIs V2 for Android.

If you create application with min SDK = 8, please use android support library v4 + SupportMapFragment instead of MapFragment.

Since I just wasted a lot of time getting the API to work, I will try to give a step-by-step validation for the Map API v2:

Step 1: Apply for your API key

If you are unfamiliar with the Google API console, read the very good answer of Rusfearuth above.

Step 2: Check you SHA Hash (in this case I use the debug key of eclipse):

On a Windows machine got to your user directory on a command prompt:

C:\Users\you>keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore .android\debug.keyst
ore -storepass android -keypass android

You will get something like:

androiddebugkey, 15.10.2012, PrivateKeyEntry,
Zertifikat-Fingerprint (SHA1): 66:XX:47:XX:1E:XX:FE:XX:DE:XX:EF:XX:98:XX:83:XX:9A:XX:23:A6

Then look at your package name of the map activity, e.g. com.example.mypackagename

You combine this and check that with your settings in the Google API console:


where you get your API-key:


Step 3. Manifest meta data

Check if the meta-data are present and contain the right key. If you release your app, you need a different key.

        android:value="AZzaSyDhkhNotUseFullKey49ylKD2bw1HM" />
        android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

Step 4. Manifest features:

You need this entry as the map API requires some grapics support:

    android:required="true" />

Do not worry, 99.7% of devices support this.

Step 5. Manifest library:

Add the google library.

        android:required="false" /> // This is required if you want your app to start in the emulator. I set it to false also if map is not an essential part of the application.

Step 6. Manifest permissions:

Check the package name twice: com.example.yourpackage

    android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.example.yourpackage.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" />

Add the following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />

The following permissions are optional and not required if you just show a map. Try to not use them.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

Step 7. Include the map fragment into your layout:

    map:cameraZoom="15" />

If your release to 2.x Android versions you need to add support in your Activity:


For the map: entries to work include


in your activity layout (e.g. LinearLayout).

In my case I have to clean the project each time I change something in the layout. Seems to be a bug.

Step 8: Use Eclipse - Project - Clean.
