Google Chrome view saved form data

Chrome stores that information in a SQLite DB file. And the following procedure will help you search it in there:

  1. Download some SQLite client (e.g. command-line shell program or DB Browser for SQLite)

  2. Close Google Chrome (otherwise you will get "database is locked" error)

  3. Open the SQLite DB file located at %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data
    (on some systems, the file instead may be named Chrome Web Data)

  4. Click the Execute SQL tab and then copy the following query:

     select *
     from autofill
     where name in (
       select name
       from autofill
       where value_lower like 'one-data-entry-of-you'
  5. Replace one-data-entry-of-you for some text you know you have entered in that field. But try to use text that is not used in many fields: the more peculiar the better, because if the text replaced is used on many fields you will see all the entries for those many fields at the same time.

  6. Click Execute Query.

By design it only does the most recent few.
If you want something that'll do this you're gonna need something like Lazarus.