Google Ads in Electron?

Google AdSense is not allowed in any desktop applications.

From AdSense policy:

Google ads, search boxes or search results may not be:

  • Integrated into a software application of any kind, including toolbars.
  • Displayed in pop-ups or pop-unders.
  • Placed in emails, email programs, or chat programs.
  • Obscured by elements on a page.
  • Placed on any non-content-based page. (Does not apply to AdSense for search or mobile AdSense for search.)
  • Placed on pages published specifically for the purpose of showing ads.
  • Placed on pages whose content or URL could confuse users into thinking it is associated with Google due to the misuse of logos,
    trademarks or other brand features.
  • Placed on, within or alongside other Google products or services in a manner that violates the policies of that product or service.