Good way to check if file extension is of an image or not

This method automatically creates a filter for the OpenFileDialog. It uses the informations of the image decoders supported by Windows. It also adds information of "unknown" image formats (see default case of the switch statement).

private static string SupportedImageDecodersFilter()
    ImageCodecInfo[] encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();

    string allExtensions = encoders
        .Select(enc => enc.FilenameExtension)
        .Aggregate((current, next) => current + ";" + next)
    var sb = new StringBuilder(500)
        .AppendFormat("Image files  ({0})|{1}", allExtensions.Replace(";", ", "),
    foreach (ImageCodecInfo encoder in encoders) {
        string ext = encoder.FilenameExtension.ToLowerInvariant();
        // ext = "*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle"           descr = BMP
        // ext = "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif"   descr = JPEG
        // ext = "*.gif"                       descr = GIF
        // ext = "*.tif;*.tiff"                descr = TIFF
        // ext = "*.png"                       descr = PNG

        string caption;
        switch (encoder.FormatDescription) {
            case "BMP":
                caption = "Windows Bitmap";
            case "JPEG":
                caption = "JPEG file";
            case "GIF":
                caption = "Graphics Interchange Format";
            case "TIFF":
                caption = "Tagged Image File Format";
            case "PNG":
                caption = "Portable Network Graphics";
                caption = encoder.FormatDescription;
        sb.AppendFormat("|{0}  ({1})|{2}", caption, ext.Replace(";", ", "), ext);
    return sb.ToString();

Use it like this:

var dlg = new OpenFileDialog {
    Filter = SupportedImageDecodersFilter(),
    Multiselect = false,
    Title = "Choose Image"

The code above (slightly modified) can be used to find available image file extensions. In order to test if a given file extension denotes an image, I would put the valid extension in a HashSet. HashSets have an
O(1) access time! Make sure to choose a case insensitive string comparer. Since the file extensions do not contain accented or non Latin letters, the culture can safely be ignored. Therefore I use an ordinal string comparison.

var imageExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

And test if a filename is an image:

string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename);
bool isImage = imageExtensions.Contains(extension);

An option would be to have a list of all possible valid image extensions, then that method would only check if the supplied extension is within that collection:

private static readonly HashSet<string> validExtensions = new HashSet<string>()
    // Other possible extensions

Then in the validation you just check against that:

public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
    return validExtensions.Contains(ext);

You could use .endsWith(ext). It's not a very secure method though: I could rename 'bla.jpg' to 'bla.png' and it would still be a jpg file.

public static bool HasImageExtension(this string source){
 return (source.EndsWith(".png") || source.EndsWith(".jpg"));

This provides a more secure solution:

string InputSource = "mypic.png";
System.Drawing.Image imgInput = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(InputSource);
Graphics gInput = Graphics.fromimage(imgInput);
Imaging.ImageFormat thisFormat = imgInput.rawformat;

private static readonly string[] _validExtensions = {"jpg","bmp","gif","png"}; //  etc

public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
    return _validExtensions.Contains(ext.ToLower());

If you want to be able to make the list configurable at runtime without recompiling, add something like:

private static string[] _validExtensions;

private static string[] ValidExtensions()
        // load from app.config, text file, DB, wherever
    return _validExtensions

public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)
    return ValidExtensions().Contains(ext.ToLower());