Good vim tutorial?

Vim comes with its own tutorial, for a start. Just run this in a terminal:


The good thing about vimtutor is that it allows you to read about how the editor works while actually using it.

Beyond that, you can take a look at the links here: Vi Lovers page

The nice thing about that page is that it briefly discusses the various links it provides, so you get a sense of which are better or worse and why.

I would add that the best way to get comfortable with Vim is to use it exclusively for a bit. If you end up hating it, fine. Use something else then. However, the only way to train your fingers and brain is to use it. My fingers now do Escape :wq out of habit, even when I'm in a gui email client at work (instead of Mutt).

  • Why, oh WHY, do those #?@! nutheads use vi?. Start here; get motivated and see some excellent examples.
  • Graphical Cheat Sheet: Keep this under your pillow. I downloaded the image files to my desktop.
  • IRC Based Vim Tutorial. Chat log of an interactive one-on-one vim tutorial by examples.

Stackoverflow: Vim Tutorials

