Gold Battle KoTH


forked from Undyable.

function UnkillableBot(me){
    if(me.hp <= 100 - (me.levels.heal + 5)){
        return heal()
    }else if(turn() % 10 == 0 && me.shield < 800) {
        return shield()
        if( >= cost(me.levels.shield) && me.levels.shield <= 9){
            return upgrade("shield")
        }else if( >= cost({
            return upgrade("farm")
            if(me.shield < 500 && me.levels.shield > 4) {
                return shield()
            return farm()

Given the exponential costs of upgrades, may as well upgrade farming if we can't upgrade healing, allowing the bot to collect gold more efficiently.


function ThanosBot(me, others, storage){
        storage.origPopulation = others.length;
        return upgrade("attack");

    if (others.length < storage.origPopulation / 2)
        if(me.hp <= 100 - (me.levels.heal + 5)){
            return heal();
        else {
            return farm();

    if(me.hp <= 100 - (me.levels.heal + 5)){
        return heal()
        if( >= cost(me.levels.attack)){
            return upgrade("attack")
        }else if( >= cost(me.levels.heal)){
            return upgrade("heal")
        }else if( >= cost({
            return upgrade("farm")
            if(Math.random() < 0.5){
                return attack(others[0].uid);
                return farm();

There are too many bots, not enough gold to go around. This bot proposes a solution.

Genocide, yes, but random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike.

They called him a madman.

ThanosBot wants the best for the bot community, and is willing to go all the way. In the beginning, he will upgrade his attack, farming and healing, to more efficiently gather resources and win battles. Prograssively, he will start attacking people randomly while still gathering resources, for upcoming battles. He will keep improving his army, his weapons and himself.

Once 50% of the population has been eliminated, bots born will only know full bellies and clear skies, he will retire to a life of farming, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. He will become completely pacifist, only healing himself with vegetable soups and farming.

Kill Stealer

function killStealer({hp, gold, attack:atck, shield:shld, levels:{heal:lHeal, shield:lShld, farm:lFarm, attack:lAtck}}, es, S) {
  let saneReduce = (a, f, n) => a.length? a.reduce(f) : n;
  let t = turn();
  if (t===1) {
    S.worth = 0;
    S.pHP = 100;
    S.pGold = 0;
    S.stat = {};
    S.pT = 0;
    for (let e of es) S.stat[e.uid] = {kills:0, seen:0};

  let pT = S.pT;
  S.pT = t;

  let shp = shld+hp;

  let healP = lHeal      + 5;
  let shldP = lShld*1.5  + 5;
  let farmP = lFarm*2    + 5;
  let atckP = lAtck*1.25 + 5;
  let pheal = () => hp<5  ||  Math.min(100, hp+healP)-hp > shldP? heal() : shield();

  let attacked = S.pHP-hp-shld > 2;
  S.pHP = hp+shld;

  if (gold>S.pGold  &&  t!=1) S.worth+= gold-S.pGold;
  S.pGold = gold;

  let pes = S.pEs;
  let ces = {};
  for (let e of es) ces[e.uid] = {uid:e.uid, hp:e.hp, worth:e.worth};
  S.pEs = ces;

  if (t === 1) return shield(); // to not break things depending on previous frame

  if (t == pT+1) {
    for (let uidE in pes) {
      let e = pes[uidE];
      if (!ces[uidE]) { // dead
        if (e.worth < 30) continue; // don't bother, because others probably won't
        for (let a of es) {
          let pa = pes[a.uid];
          if (a.worth >= pa.worth + e.worth/2 - 2) {
          if (a.worth != pa.worth || a.hp > pa.hp) S.stat[a.uid].seen++;

  let attackers = es.filter(c => {
    let k = S.stat[c.uid].kills;
    let s = S.stat[c.uid].seen;
    return k > 1  &&  k > s*.7;
  let maxDmg =>c.attack).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), 0)*1.25 + 5;
  for (let e of es) {
    if (e.worth < farmP) continue;
    let p = pes[e.uid];
    let dmg = p.hp-e.hp;
    if (e.hp <= atckP) {
      return attack(e.uid);
    if (e.hp-dmg-atckP <= 0) {
      return attack(e.uid);
    if (e.hp-maxDmg-atckP <= 0) {
      return attack(e.uid);
    if (e.hp-maxDmg-dmg <= 0) {
      return attack(e.uid);
  if (attackers.length>0 && t>50) {
    for (let e of es) {
      if (e.hp - maxDmg*2 - atckP <= 0  &&  e.worth > 200) {
        let worst = saneReduce(attackers.filter(c => c.hp > 80), (a, b)=>a.worth>b.worth? a : b, null);
        if (worst) return stun(worst.uid);

  if (t < 60  &&  t%5 == 1) return shield();
  if (t === 2) return upgrade("heal");
  if (t === 3) return upgrade("farm");
  if (t%10 == 1) return shield();

  if (gold>=cost(lShld) && lFarm>-2) return upgrade("shield");
  if (gold>=cost(lFarm) && !attacked) return upgrade("farm");

  if (es.length > 2) {
    let notDead = es.filter(c => c.hp > 20);
    if (notDead.length !== 0) {
      notDead.sort((a, b) => a.hp-b.hp);
      if (notDead[Math.min(2, notDead.length-1)].hp > shp) {
        return pheal();

  if (gold>=cost(lHeal)  &&  lHeal+5 < lFarm) return upgrade("heal");
  if (gold>=cost(lAtck)  &&  lAtck+5 < lFarm  &&  es.every(c=>c.attack<=lAtck+2)) return upgrade("attack");

  if (lShld>5  &&  shp < 205+healP+t  &&  shp < 600+t*5) return pheal();
  if (es.every(c => c.worth < S.worth+farmP) && es.length>2 && t<100 && lShld<6) return pheal();
  if (shp<=120  ||  hp<5) return pheal();
  return farm();

Now not only steals kills, but steals stealing kills too!

This bot doesn't do much except farm, and when it notices the possibility, joins in doing the final blow to a dying enemy, and somehow manages to be very good.